Educational Programs at Betygala Community Home
Places to Visit
Educational program “Bread Road”
Betygala Community Home is located in a former volost building. In order to restore the interwar mode of Lithuanians lives, the educational program “Bread Road” was launched. Ancient yeast-free rye bread is baked in a bakery. The bread road is long, so when the guests arrive, they find the bread already kneaded, the oven – heated. Upon request, guests can make their own pastries and bake them under the oven or entrust them to the local hostesses. The bread is baked for about 2 hours, during that time the guests, accompanied by guides, travel around the sights of the Betygala region (there are many of them), and get a chance to enjoy warm bread, honey and tea after coming back to the community house. Buns and poppy seed crackers are also baked in the house of Betygala community.
Educational program “Tea Road”
The educational program “Tea Road” was launched eight years ago. Emilija Skudrienė, a member of the Betygala community, was the first to collect thyme from the mounds of Betygala. The tea had a wonderful taste, so more herbs were brought. In the house of Betygala community, the tea leaves dry very well because the roof is covered with chips. Thyme, oregano, St. John’s wort, valerian, cartilage and other tea leaves are collected in Betygala mounds and Dubysa arches. The herbs are re-collected, dried, shredded, and packed in the bags of Betygala community houses. Tea is served to guests. In 2015, a tea nursery was installed in the yard of Betygala community house, where you can get acquainted with teas, their cultivation and care. We show all of this to the guests, we serve their chosen tea, honey, rustic cheese. You can also buy a variety of teas.
Gema Račienė
Dubysos st. 8, Betygala, Raseiniai District Municipality
+370 615 26 162